Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Virgil P. Gibney
Centurion, 1890–1927
Frank P. Foster and Augustine Smith
Jessamine County, Kentucky
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Age forty-three
Bridgeport, Connecticut

Century Memorial
It was said of Virgil Pendleton Gibney, who in his own sphere was one of the notable figures of New York, that his skill as surgeon was scarcely more effective in promoting recovery of his crippled patients than the influence on them of his cheerful and forceful personality. His daily morning rounds at the Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled, with which he was actively associated during the exceptionally long period of fifty-three consecutive years, and over which he presided as chief surgeon for thirty-seven, are described by his associates as an event which itself is full of human interest. The mass of clinical material on which long study of these particular disorders enabled him to draw was enormous; it was arranged and filed so that individual histories in the long array of patients could be made to serve an immediate purpose. In his own branch of medical investigation he stood easily in the front rank; with it he combined an individuality that won him the friendship and loyalty of his fellow-practitioners.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1928 Century Association Yearbook