Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Patrick Henry Gallen
Centurion, 1920–1934
Augustus Vincent Tack and John Spencer Bassett
Milford, Massachusetts
Dalton, Massachusetts
Age sixty-five
Milford, Massachusetts

Century Memorial
Father Patrick Henry Gallen embodied the very human diversity of interest which turned him alternately from his Roman Catholic church ministration to the amenities of life, to the pursuit of literary scholarship and to public service in the community where he lived. He was a spiritual teacher, attentive to the varying personal problems of his New England parishioners; but he was also a welcome participant in social intercourse with fellow-townsmen of his own and other religious affiliations, a graceful writer of essays and newspaper contributions and, for a season, trustee of public library and hospital at Northampton and park commissioner. How absolutely the barriers of creed vanished before this ingratiating personality was pleasantly shown, when Father Gallen was about to be transferred to another pastorate, by the invitation extended to him to attend as guest of honor at a public reception of his fellow-townsmen’s Methodist Church.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1935 Century Association Yearbook