Member Directory,
1847 - 1922

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Samuel A. B. Abbott

Full Name: Samuel Appleton Brown Abbott


Centurion, 1893–1931

born March 6, 1846
Lowell, Massachusetts
died June 19, 1931
Rome, Italy
elected December 2, 1893
Age forty-seven
Member portrait of Samuel A. B. Abbott

Century Memorial

At intervals in his legal practice, Samuel Appleton Browne Abbott served the public in an interesting variety of duties. He had shouldered his musket in the Civil War, had kept Boston in order as police commissioner, directed the Boston Public Library both as President of the Board and as acting librarian, and helped in conducting the American Academy at Rome. The longer most of us live, the more our wonderment grows at the versatility displayed in such activities by the American citizen.

Alexander Dana Noyes
1932 Century Association Yearbook

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