Centurion, 1890–1903
Born 3 August 1835 in Cheshire, Connecticut
Died 8 July 1903 in Englewood, New Jersey
Buried Floyd Family Cemetery, New York State
Proposed by William Allen Butler and Hooper C. Van Vorst
Elected 7 June 1890 at age fifty-four
Century Memorial
Herbert B. Turner was a highly esteemed member of the bar of New York, an authority on railroad law and organization, and prominent in practice before the higher federal courts. He was connected with a number of the charitable organizations of the city and was an active member of the Protestant Episcopal Church. His home was in Englewood, where he was one of the founders of St. Paul’s Church and a leader in the religious and social life of the town, in the development of which he was keenly interested.
Edward Cary
1904 Century Association Yearbook