Image Galleries

About Image Galleries

The Century maintains relatively strict rules about photography in the clubhouse to this day. However, the Archives holds the few valuable exceptions across the club’s history, chiefly from major anniversary galas and other celebrations, as well as menus and other ephemera, including a Centurion bookplate collection. We will continue to add curated galleries from our collections to this page.

The club has a long-held tradition of soliciting member portraits for the Archives, to build on original founder albums and the collection of photographs of prominent Centurions assembled by member Frederick Hill Meserve, America’s first scholarly collector of such historical material. Available portraits of members elected through 1922 may be found in the Member Directory.

The Century Association Archives also remains graphically rich due to the drawings of its illustrious member-artists and amateurs, whom have contributed their work to event invitations and posters, Christmas cards, publications, fundraising campaigns, and even the frontispieces of committee meeting minutes, some of which are featured on this site with permission of the artists.
