Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
James T. Gardiner
Mining Engineer
Centurion, 1877–1912
Clarence King and Francis A. Stout
Troy, New York
Northeast Harbor, Maine
Age thirty-four
Menands, New York

Century Memorial
The death of our old friend James Terry Gardiner came as a deep sorrow to us. He was a familiar and loved figure; a man whose conversation and vivid narratives of a life with its full share of perils and adventures, we all delighted in. He served several terms on our Committee of Admissions, and reliance was placed on his excellent judgment in club matters. As we all know, he was a distinguished civil and mining engineer, doing brilliant work at the outset with his life-long friend Clarence King upon geological surveys of the Yosemite Valley and Arizona, and afterwards in the United States Geological Survey. Still later he was director of the New York State Survey, and became prominent in the management of coal companies. His wife, a daughter of Bishop Doane, died last July, and the sorrow which overwhelmed our friend hastened his death some six weeks later. Peace to his grieving spirit.
Henry Osborn Taylor
1913 Century Association Yearbook